Opnieuw zilveren medaille voor M&M

Zojuist hebben Marike en Martine Veldhuis (Nereus), aangevuld met Anna Verkuil van Triton en Floor van Lieshout (ook Nereus), hun prestatie van vorig jaar herhaald. Bij de wereldkampioenschappen onder 23 in Poznan finishten zij evenals vorig jaar op de 2e plaats achter de wereldkampioenen uit Italië. Een uitzonderlijke prestatie voor onze oud leden die onder leiding van Ebbo en later Henk S. al de nodige successen hebben gevierd (oa Nationaal Kampioen M162x) en winnaar van het Development klassement LD2x). Zie ook NlRoei.nl.  U kunt de wedstrijd hier terugzien (vanaf 2:29:44)

Lightweight Women’s Quadruple Sculls – A-Final

Paola Piazzolla, Italy, gold

“The race was really difficult and it was really windy out there. The Netherlands are very strong and very fast. We’ve actually only been together in this crew for two weeks so we’re very pleased with the result.”


Martine Veldhuis (s), Netherlands, silver

“Very tough race as it was a little windy at the start. We had to wait a little bit up there and it was very hot. We are very happy with the silver, we obviously wanted to race for gold but after 300 meters the Italians were at least a boat length ahead.”


Loanne Guivarc HFrance, bronze

“We always expect to not have a great sprint at the finish so we made sure to have a really good start and then I think we all had the same feeling throughout the race, we were all so in sync. It was the best race that we have had so far. We weren’t really that far away from Italy and the Netherlands and we were just trying to keep it as close as we could.”